Backordered items will not be charged until 24-72 hours before shipment.

Orders that have backordered items will be offered a FREE placement service. 

Your order will be held at no charge until the item is available.

Most online companies charge in advance for this placement service.

Items that are backordered and have no estimated ship date will be posted directly on the website as Out of Stock or Sold Out.

Customer Service will automatically notify all customers via email when a backordered item has been restocked. Once confirmed by the customer, the order will be automatically processed, charged accordingly and shipped for the current flat rate fee.

Tracking information will automatically  be sent via e-mail to the cardholder. Once shipped the order will be completed and closed out of the system.

To check on the status of a backorder go to: Order Status

NOTE: If Customer Service has already notified a customer that an item is on backorder, the customer may not receive a response if an additional Order Status ticket is submitted.

Customers will automatically be notified when the backorder is available.

Tracking information will be automatically e-mailed when order is shipped.

Credit card is charged by: NGW

This online response system is an effective and efficient way to respond to all customers promptly.

Any abuse to the system will only slow down the response time for all customers.

We appreciate your business and do everything possible to expedite your order.